Visual storytelling

Provide trainings on filmmaking and create films/documentaries to adress different social issues affecting the community for positive change. Visual Storytelling is a powerful tool to deliver critical messages about social issues affecting the community and in photofilm4change, we believe that a community that speaks for itself is a community that can change and heal itself.

Arts for Life

Working with Refugee artists in mentorship programs to develop their talents and turn them into Livelihood, Arts also serve as psychosocial healing tool for artists themselves and the audience. Our focus being on preforming arts, we organize festivals, shows and competitions to grow their preforming skills and earn from their talents.

Adovocacy through Arts

Using different visual contents created through films screening events and performing events venues to advocate and inform the community about social issues affecting the community.

Cultural preservation

Protecting cultural heritage by Archiving different cultural diverse properties of kakuma refugees from different nationalities for the benefit of the generation born in the camp and the community at large. This is done both online and Onsite.


PhotoFilm4Change is in a mission to create long-lasting changes and transformation in different sectors of the community and on social issues impacting the society by using the power of the film and storytelling. 


Artists Mentoring & training

Film & Documentary


Music production


Address: Kakuma 3 Liza hua street, Kakuma refugee Camp,Kenya

Email: info@photofilm4change.org

Phone        +254739177134

WhatsApp: +254719878533