Turning Arts into professions

Photofilm for Change is a Media and ARTS Based Refugee-Led organization developed by, run by and run for the refugees and host community in Kakuma refugee camp and kalobeyei settlement in North-western Kenya. Our main Goal is to bring positive changes and transform lives Through Creative Arts and Visual storytelling.


One of our greatest achievement is “The Bridge” a docudrama film, in collaboration with the Open Society University Network and the research and film supported in part by a grant from the Open Society Foundations, the National Endowment for Humanities, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Read full story on the offical osunhubs website.

Join us! There are many ways to support our work.


Photofilm 4 change uses Creative arts and media to Unable refugee youth earn decent livelihood from their talents and adresses other different social issues affecting the community through visual storytelling for positive change.


Artists Mentoring & training

Film & Documentary


Music production


Address: Kakuma 3 Liza hua street, Kakuma refugee Camp,Kenya

Email: info@photofilm4change.org

Phone        +254739177134

WhatsApp: +254719878533