How We Started

In January 2021 a group of Interpreters working with different humanitarian organizations in Kakuma refugee camp started working with professor Laura kunreuther from Bard college as researcher collaborators on her research about the labor of humanitarian Interpreters in Kakuma refugee camp. Thanks to her participatory action research methods where we were fully engaged, we came up with the idea of making our own film From that research about the daily life of humanitarian interpreters. By that time we had neither funding for that film project nor enough skills to make a film of which we were required to attend a film class.

Fortunately, in June 2021, the group secured a fellowship grant from the Open society university network (OSUN) to facilitate the whole process of making that film. Through this fellowship, the group was able Filmmaking class from Youth voices of Kakuma(YVK) Media Organization and we acquired enough skills to make the film called “The Bridge”. It is an advocating fiction film about humanitarian Interpreters working experience and challenges.

The success of that Film project brought a vision and strength to initiate photo film for change community-based organization media house to continue telling other stories about other social issues impacting the community.


With the use of film and storytelling as a major key to influence positive change in order to guarantee more human conditions, We envision a society in which everyone can lead safe and healthy lives while engaged and empowered.


To create long lasting changes and transformation in different sectors of the community and on social issues impacting the society by using the power of the film and storytelling. This will empower and bring hope to refugees and other marginalized groups.


Photo Film 4 Change believes that Film, Talent, and storytelling can change lives and transform society.


PhotoFilm4Change is in a mission to create long-lasting changes and transformation in different sectors of the community and on social issues impacting the society by using the power of the film and storytelling. 


Artists Mentoring & training

Film & Documentary


Music production


Address: Kakuma 3 Liza hua street, Kakuma refugee Camp,Kenya

Email: info@photofilm4change.org

Phone        +254739177134

WhatsApp: +254719878533